Shayna is a trained Galactic Shaman and provides powerful Godcode Healing Sessions. During a Godcode Healing Session, Shayna connects directly to Source and goes to the Quantum Field, outside of time, space and dimension. In the Quantum Field, deep healing is possible by accessing the seed point of conception of the issue. She is a conduit for Source to clear out old, distorted programming and replace it with new codes free of illness and trauma.
Godcode Healing Sessions can include Soul Retrieval, clearing Past Life trauma, access gifts, clearing the Ancestral Bloodline, clearing and balancing all 12 chakras, clearing the aura, connecting with Star Origins, Power Animal Retrieval, clearing spells, black magic and the spiritual extraction of entities, clearing contracts and cutting cords, resolving childhood wounds, light language, activating the Crystalline Light Body, and accessing God's Book of Life to heal your soul blueprint of negative patterns.
These are potent healing sessions that easily heal things which traditional therapy cannot access. The healing can continue for days and weeks until complete while you integrate and embody more of yourself. Sound Healing is incorporated during the session to assist with deep unification of the light codes and to support your healing, as well as follow up support afterwards.
[Click here for reviews from various clients.]
*90 minute Session $250 with Follow Up Support via Email
*3 Pack of 90 minute Sessions $650 with Follow Up Support via Email ($100 savings)
Call or text to schedule your appointment: 512.653.8023
All sessions are available for in person or via Skype.
Shayna also does psychopomp work, which is the releasing and clearing of trapped souls and returning them to Source. She connects with Mother Earth, the Cosmic Mother and Father, and Source to allow for a peaceful transition. This work ensures that spirits do not become trapped in the earthly realm, and that they find freedom. This practice can clear haunted spaces through helping Earth bound spirits return to Source.
If there are a lot of accidents happening in your home or on your property, there may be trapped souls that are trying to get your attention, so that they can be released. If there was a battle or traumatic event on the property, clearing the land helps all the energies flow easily and peacefully, which helps the Earth as well as the people, plants and animals connected to the property.
A Godcode Healing is included to help free all individuals connected to the land.
*60 minute Session $150 with Follow Up Support via Email
Call or text to schedule your appointment: 512.653.8023
All sessions are available for in person or via Skype.
Shayna is a Certified Reiki Master, Sound Healer, and Ascension Guide. A reiki energy healing session works on all levels, and on all our bodies to help achieve your goals, which could include any or all of the following areas: physical, emotional and/or mental clearing, repairing, healing and rejuvenating. Energy healing sessions also assist with the integration and assimilation of higher frequencies alleviating ascension symptoms, physical and emotional pains.
As a Sound Healer, Shayna also uses a combination of Reiki, intuitive healing, sound healing, ascension healing, vibrational tuning and channeled multi-dimensional frequencies. She is an intuitive catalyst and guide to assist in the body's natural healing and ascension process.
Calming the nervous system and bringing all the tissues back to a state of balance and harmony is the first step which allows for access to healing. A state of deep relaxation and peace is achieved, and it is beneficial for the mind as well as the body. It helps the body to settle in and allows for the remembrance of its wholeness and perfection.
Clearing and rejuvenating the Life Force Channel as well as chakra balancing is included in the Reiki Energy Sessions for greater peace and harmony within your body.
Clearing lower timelines, and aligning with your highest timeline is part of an Energy Healing Session and integral to staying centered and balanced.
We work on energetic boundaries, and Shayna can teach you how to clear and ground your energy field daily and guide you in the use of energetic protection.
Also included is channeled intuitive guidance and wellness information to continue to assist you on all levels beyond the healing session.
[Click here for reviews from various clients.]
*60 minute Session $120
*90 minute Session $180
Call or text to schedule your appointment: 512.653.8023
All sessions are available for in person or via Skype.
A powerful healing session that combines ancestral healing with sound therapy to assist with clearing deep patterns, healing ancestral wounds and freeing yourself from many generations of ancestral trauma. We hold seven generations in our tissues, and in this session many layers will be forgiven and healed. This allows for deep heart opening and expansion. The moving of stagnant energies out occurs which then allows for the realignment and balancing with your Higher Self and Truth. Oftentimes after the deep Ancestral Healing people feel more freedom, peace and clarity of purpose.
*90 minute Session $180
Call or text to schedule your appointment: 512.653.8023
All sessions are available for in person or via Skype.
This unique and private healing sound bath session works using audio tones and vibrational frequencies to repair out of tune tissues, cells and structures within the body. Playing tones that promote healing, happiness and vitality allow DNA strands to repair themselves. Sound healing has been used for thousands of years for healing physical and emotional wounds. Some people even experience strong emotions as they are cleared from the cells. Sound healing assists with physical illness, depression, blood pressure, pain, insomnia, arthritis, autoimmune disorders, mental clarity and brain functioning, and can even shrink cancerous tumors.
You will be surrounded by the beautiful and relaxing tones of Tibetan singing bowls and crystal singing bowls as well as the gong, crystal pyramidm chimes and more. The Tibetan bowls break up blocked energies on all levels. Their pure sonic waves assist with deep clearing, and address imbalances on every level. The crystal singing bowls re-tune the cells of the body to the highest frequencies, and balance the chakras to their proper and natural state. In addition, Shayna uses a gong to create deep relaxation, and it stimulates higher glandular functioning within the body and balancing the nervous system. The gong vibrations impact the body and its meridians. It releases blocks, reduces tension and stimulates circulation. The gong changes the feelings that are blocked by cutting the thoughts that sustain and recreate the feelings. The gong connects the finite to the infinite; it is connecting with the entire universe in its deep tones which allows for deep connection to our Higher Self.
All the tones combined in perfect harmony and balance for your needs harmonizes the energetic bodies for higher well being. It also realigns and recalibrates all cells and particles to higher consciousness and dimensions.
Request more information on pricing depending on the size of the group.
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